Here to help you get unstuck,

so you can start chasing wonderment!

   Life coaching for women who want to live intentionally.   

Are you feeling LOST in life?

I bet you’ve probably tried so many things. Maybe

you’ve bought self-help books, or online courses. You

might have a stack of half-filled planners or journals.

What if there’s a different way

to live intentionally?

What if life could look like:

➢ Having clarity on the changes you want to make

➢ Learning how to set goals & live more intentionally

➢ Making easy changes that work FOR you & your life

Hey there! I’m Kate!

A coffee-loving mama with a passion to

help you get un-stuck and start living your

dream life. (Even in the middle of life’s mess!)

Here’s how working with me is different:

  • Start by Asking Questions

    I’m not here to tell you what to do.
    Instead, we’ll focus on asking different
    questions to help you find clarity.

  • Find your Own Methods

    I don’t teach a specific “method.”
    Instead, we’ll work together to figure out what methods will work best for you!

  • Work on your Mindset

    Your mindset can make or break you.
    We’ll take time to address your thoughts,
    so they don’t mess up your growth.

What Matters Most to You?

The Simple Values Workshop can help you clarify what

matters most to you — which can help you make easier

decisions, and give you more confidence in your choices!