Give yourself Permission to Grow.

Are you dreaming about some amazing, future hopes? Maybe you want to have more time to go on adventures, or you want your home to be an organized haven to all who enter. But if you TRULY want to grow, are you willing to do whatever it takes to get there? Today I’m stepping on some toes by talking about the excuses we use to stop our growth, and sharing 3 mindset shifts that can change the GAME for your own growth.

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  • Disclaimer: You don’t need my permission! But, MAYBE you need to give it to yourself! 🙌🏻

Often on a personal growth journey, we get so caught up in dreaming about the future or the goals we have, that we forget to count the cost. (OUCH. 😣) If you really want to change your life, are you willing to do whatever it takes?

Here are 3 “Excuses” we let stop our Growth:

  • Others:

    Yeah… OUCH. 😖 Sometimes we hold back from growth because we’re afraid that it will cause others to pull away — maybe in your relationship, or setting boundaries based on people-pleasing. Other times we use other as an excuse to stay apathetic. “If they’re not going to do it, why should I?” The truth is, personal growth will either pull others up with you, force them to take a step back, or make them walk away entirely. So, the question really is: How long are you willing to stunt your growth out of fear of someone else?

  • Yourself:

    This is a set of excuses that are often tied up with a LOT of mindset blocks and lies. “I’m too ______.” (Disorganized, too much of a Hot Mess — fill in the blank!) I hear these mindset blocks SO often when I’m coaching – and it’s normal! But, only you get to decide if you’re willing to accept that as a good reason to stunt your growth, or not.

    Outside Circumstance/Time:

    Yeah, I went there. 😬 It’s easy to blame our lack of growth on an outer circumstance or lack of time. If time really IS an issue, then maybe you should try a Calendar Audit! And if you know deep down that it’s not actually the issue and you KNOW you’re wasting a lot of precious time… you should still do a Calendar Audit. 😉

Listen, personal growth is MESSY. It’s uncomfortable, and there will be times when you wonder if it’s all worth it! But these three mindset shifts can go SUCH a long way in helping you shift from all of these excuses and give yourself permission to grow:

  • “I can Figure this Out!” — Accept and BELIEVE that you can figure anything out! From relationship issues to how to organize your kitchen… you can probably google it.

  • “I Already Know What to Do.” — You get to decide that you KNOW what to do! I believe that who God calls, He equips — which means you’ve already got everything you need to live your best life!

  • “I Keep my Promises to Myself, and Others.” — Keeping your promises to yourself means that you can TRUST yourself, and I think you’ll see exponential growth if you adopt this mindset shift.

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