A Re-Introduction.
Hey there!
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on my blog, so I thought I’d re-introduce myself and share a little bit about why I’m here.
My name is Kate, and I’m the CEO—Chief Encouragement Officer!—of Chasing Wonderment. Chasing Wonderment is all about living intentionally in the middle of life’s mess.
Here’s a little bit about me:
I’m a wife, a momma, ADHD-er, ENFP, and an Enneagram 7. I’m a serial entrepreneur married to a fellow serial entrepreneur. My husband and I are currently renovating a Victorian house (it’s as chaotic as it sounds!), and I was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness (finally, after years of searching for answers).
My core message is simple: I want to encourage women to live intentionally—right in the middle of life’s mess.
Basically, I want to normalize life’s messiness.
Here’s why I think it’s important:
Life’s messes can derail your progress—but not for the reasons you might think. When things go sideways, you probably blame the mess itself and think, “If I could just get everything perfectly organized…” or you might even blame yourself, thinking, “If only I could be more consistent…”
But here’s the thing: the issue isn’t really the mess.
More often than not, the real challenge is the mindset blocks and false beliefs you’ve developed about the messes in your life. Those blocks keep you from living the life you truly want.
When you embrace and normalize the mess, it frees you from those blocks and allows you to create a life you love.
Let me give you some examples from my own journey:
Momma-hood & Wife-hood
Being a wife and momma? Messy doesn’t even cover it. Kids aren’t exactly known for their tidiness! Add the constant juggling act of cooking dinner, folding laundry, and keeping up with everything else, and it’s no wonder so many of us feel drained.
To make it even harder, a lot of women struggle to give themselves permission to prioritize their own needs. I’ve seen so many moms—new and seasoned—question their identity.
“Who am I?”
“What do I even like anymore?”
Let me tell you this: feeling that way doesn’t make you selfish or a bad wife or mom. It just means you need time and space to explore what an intentional life looks like for you.ADHD & Neurodivergence
As someone with ADHD, I’ve spent far too many years feeling like a failure because of my neurodivergent brain.
“Normal” tasks that seem simple for others can feel monumental for me. Forgetfulness? It’s not a choice, and yet it can leave my home looking like a disaster even when I don’t want it to be.
And don’t get me started on consistency. Trying to create structure when your brain naturally rebels against it is incredibly frustrating.Chronic Illness
Living with a chronic illness has been a lifelong lesson in flexibility and letting go of rigid plans. Maybe you can relate — physical struggles can strip away any sense of normalcy, structure, or control over your goals. It’s hard to live intentionally when migraines knock you out for days or when a carefully crafted timeline gets derailed by sickness.
I’m sharing these parts of my journey because I want you to feel seen, not discouraged. Maybe you have your own (different) struggles that are keeping you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or discouraged. I’ve never wanted my struggles to be an excuse to give up or stop trying. Accepting that life is messy has been transformative for me. It’s helped me face mindset blocks like false guilt, feelings of failure, and hopelessness.
Normalizing the mess has also helped me think outside the box and build a life I love—a life full of my own version of wonderment.
If you’re navigating your own messes, I hope this encourages you to think differently about them. You’re not alone. The heart of Chasing Wonderment is this:
You can live intentionally with life’s mess, not in spite of it.
You don’t need to create a perfect life without chaos, or build so much structure into your days that there’s no room for the messes to happen. None of those things actually work to create the end result you’re after… because perfection doesn’t exist. So instead of focusing on perfectly creating your dream life… work towards easily creating a dreamy life, and watch what happens as you release the pressure to be perfect.
Does this resonate with you? Share your thoughts or struggles in the comments—I’d love to hear about your journey and encourage you as you navigate your own messes!