Inspiration & Encouragement
for Chasing Wonderment
Hey there! I’m Kate, CEO (that’s Chief Encouragement Officer!) of Chasing Wonderment. I believe that you can live intentionally right in the middle of life’s mess, & I hope that this encourages you to chase your dreams.
— Kate
Follow me on Social Media:

A Re-Introduction.
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on my blog, so I thought I’d re-introduce myself and share a little bit about why I’m here.

How to choose a Word of the Year.
Have you heard of choosing One Word for the year? If you’re tired of new year’s resolutions, click here to learn how to choose a word of the year!

My 2020 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” I’ve practiced this for years… In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2020, and how I saw it show up in my life!

My Bullet Journal Spread - September 2021
It’s September! Time for a new bullet journal spread… In this post, I’m sharing the final layout of my September bullet journal spread!

3 Journaling Prompts you should use Every Day.
Journaling can be a life-changing habit for personal, spiritual, and mental growth. But — what in the HECK do you write about? In this article, you’ll find 3 journaling prompts you should be using every day!

House Tour of our (tiny) Debt Free Home!
When we got married, we had this crazy idea: What if we could buy and renovate our first home — DEBT-FREE? Click here for Part 4: a House Tour of our (tiny) Debt Free Home!

How we Finished our Home Debt Free!
When we got married, we had this crazy idea: What if we could buy and renovate our first home — DEBT-FREE? Click here to read Part 3 of our (incredible) story of how we finished our first home, debt-free!

How we Renovated our Home Debt Free!
When we got married, we had this crazy idea: What if we could buy & renovate our first home — DEBT-FREE? Click here to read Part 2 of our (incredible) story of how we renovated our first home, debt-free!

How we Bought our first Home Debt-Free!
When we got married, we had this crazy idea: What if we could buy our first home — DEBT-FREE? Click here to read Part 1 of our (incredible) story of how we bought our first home, debt-free!

My 2019 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” I’ve practiced this for years… In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2019, and how I saw it show up in my life!
My 2018 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” I’ve practiced this for years… In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2018, and how I saw it show up in my life!

My 2017 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” I’ve practiced this for year… In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2017, and how I saw it show up in my life!
My 2016 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” I’ve practiced this for YEARS! In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2016, and what I learned from it!

My 2015 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” I’ve chosen a word of the year since 2014… In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2015, and what I learned from it!
My 2014 Word of the Year
I’ve chosen a “Word of the Year” since 2014, and in this blog post, I’m sharing my 2014 Word of the Year, and everything I learned from it!