My 2016 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” It’s a unique practice designed to replace new year’s resolutions with one simple word to focus on for the year. I’ve chosen a word of the year since 2014, and it’s always neat to see how my word shows up in my life each year. In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2016, and what I learned from it!
At the end of 2015, I was ready to search for a new word. 2015 was HARD. I call it “good-hard,” but we were exhausted. Still, I knew that all our hard work was worth it. As I began praying and looking for a new word, “Plenty” kept popping into my mind. And, honestly, it felt like a selfish word… so I questioned it (again). But it was clearly the word for the new year, and I was hopeful for a year of rest. (Especially after 2015!)
And man… it was a plentiful year. 😍
We woke up to this face almost every morning. 😍
We moved into our new home! We didn’t have a couch, but we were happy.
My small business thrived! I made journals…
… and Zeke scribbled in a few. 😁
Alex planted a garden, and Zeke helped. 😍
Alex and I snuck away for a few days on our 5th Anniversary!
And our first Christmas in our little house was simple and wonderful. 😍
Do you want to choose a Word this year?
Click here to read “How to Choose a Word of the Year.” This blog post is full of tips and tricks to help you get started with this unique habit! You can also read about all of my words (so far!) here.