My 2015 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” It’s a neat practice designed to replace new year’s resolutions with one simple word to focus on for the year. I’ve chosen a word of the year since 2014, and it’s always neat to see how my word shows up in my life each year. In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2015, and what I learned from it!
It was the end of 2014, and I was really excited to choose a new word for 2015! It had been a busy year, and I had already seen the fruit of choosing my first word to guide me for 365 days.
I began praying for a new word, and (as always happens for me), I began to notice one word kept showing up everywhere I went:
To be honest, I was kinda nervous about it, and asked God, “Are you SURE?” and “Does is HAVE to be that word?” It didn’t sound very fun. 😬 And (just like last year) it was abundantly clear that “WORK” was my new word for 2015. And let me tell you:
It was a HARD-WORK kind of year.
I lettered this quote that seemed sum up my word pretty well.
I grew a baby and a business at the same time.
Alex worked 50 hours a week at his full-time job, and renovated our little house on nights and weekends.
Tasha joined our family in late spring!
Our babies grew like crazy. 😍
This hand-lettered quote also seems appropriate. 😂
Christmas 2015 was so much fun with both kids!
Yeah, 2015 was a hard year. Alex worked. I worked. We were Tired. But, it was good-hard kinda work. The kind that makes you fall into bed tired, but you know it’s going to be worth it in the end. (And it was!)
Do you want to choose a Word this year?
Click here to read “How to Choose a Word of the Year.” It’s full of tips and tricks that can help you get started with this neat habit! You can also read about all of my words (so far!) here.