My 2014 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” It’s a neat practice designed to replace new year’s resolutions with one simple word to focus on for the year. I’ve chosen a word of the year since 2014, and it’s always neat to see how my word shows up in my life each year. In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2014, and what I learned from it!
It was the end of 2013, and I had been through a really hard season. Hormone imbalances had wreaked havoc on my body, and depression left me feeling drained and joyless. One day while chatting with my Mom, she mentioned something called “One Word,” and how you choose a guiding word instead of creating a list of resolutions. I had never been into “resolutions”, but the thought of choosing a word to help guide me through the new year sounded… exciting. And I hadn’t felt that excited in awhile.
I plugged in our hotspot and opened up my laptop. A quick google search later, and I was hooked. I began thinking about what word I might choose for the New Year — after all, it was just a few days away! Within a few minutes, the word “LIVE” popped into my head. It was a clear as day, almost like I heard someone say it beside me.
It sounded good, but I wanted to think about it for awhile. Over the next few days, it became abundantly clear that “Live” was my word for the year. Everywhere I went, I began to hear that word. I flipped on the radio and heard songs like Tim McGraw’s “Live Like You Were Dying.” I got on Pinterest and saw quotes about living well. After the year I had just experienced, I really did need to learn how to live again.
I spent a few days designing some little cards with inspiration for my word on it!
Let me tell ya’:
That year was absolutely FILLED with life. 😍
We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary together holding Zeke in our arms.
Alex finished up the exterior renovations on our little house!
We found out that Baby #2 was coming! (Best surprise EVER!)
Alex began the interior renovations on our house.
This was our 2014 Christmas card. I had a full heart, and a belly full of life.
Yeah… 2014 really was the year I learned to live again. 😍
Do you want to choose a Word this year?
Click here to read “How to Choose a Word of the Year.” It’s a blog post full of tips and tricks to help you get started with this neat habit! You can also read about all of my words (so far!) here.