3 Journaling Prompts you should use Every Day.

Journaling can be a life-changing habit for personal, spiritual, and mental growth. But creating a journaling habit can be hard! And — what in the HECK do you write when you’re staring at a blank page? Inside this article, you’ll learn the 3 journaling prompts you should use every day!

I started journaling when I was 11. Those early journals were a cringe-worth collecting of things like: “what I did today,” and what boy I had a crush on. 😆 Let’s just say: I’ve grown a LOT since then. These days, my journaling practice is a mix of random thoughts and feelings, writing down prayers, and TONS of scribbled-down, half-baked ideas.

Every time I share my journaling practice, I hear the same thing:

“I never know what to write!”

the 3 journaling prompts you should use every day

The truth is, there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” answer… everyone is different, and your writing will probably change and grow with you. However: Using journaling prompts can be a huge help when you want to start a daily journaling practice!

I've spent a lot of time learning about habits and mindset, and a few years ago I began using some mindset-shifting journaling prompts in my daily practice. These prompts aren’t just “silly” questions to answer every day.

They are designed to help you focus, to shift your mindset, and get grounded in gratitude. They can actually help change the way your brain works! (They’ve been life-changing for me!)

these 3 journaling prompts have completely changed my mindset!

Here are 3 journaling prompts you should use every day:

1. What are you looking forward to today? 

This easy question helps you stay present and enjoy the simple, joyful moments of each day. It’s really easy to get caught up in what's next, what’s wrong, or what's missing in your life! This reminds you to look for simple moments to look forward to each day! Want to enjoy the PROCESS of living out your dreams? Look forward to simple moments every day.

2. How will you feel today?

Did you know that you can CHOOSE what you feel? Every day, write down what you want to feel. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can choose joy. You can choose peace. You can choose confidence! This is journaling prompt can change your life!

(Do you want to create a journaling practice that works for you? Click here! )

3. Five Things You’re Grateful for.

Every morning, write down 5 things you’re grateful for! They don't have to be anything grand… but they should absolutely bring a smile to your face. This puts your heart into a space of joy and gratitude for what you already have. (Again; this helps you to stay PRESENT while you work towards a future that you love!)


This journaling practice only takes about 10-15 minutes a day… so when you grab your coffee tomorrow morning, pull out one of those empty journals you’ve got sitting around. I’m willing to bet that these mindset-shifting journaling prompts will help you be more intentional about the way you live! (even if you’re a “seasoned journal-er.”)



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