My 2019 Word of the Year
Have you ever heard of “Word of the Year?” It’s a unique practice designed to replace new year’s resolutions with one simple word to focus on for the year. I’ve chosen a word of the year since 2014, and it’s always neat to see how my word shows up in my life each year. In this blog post, I’m sharing the word I chose for 2019, and what I learned from it!
At the end of 2018, I began praying about my new word. I was really excited when I started hearing the word “Fresh.” 😍 It definitely felt like a good time for a fresh start, especially after how much my capacity had grown in the past year!
I drank a LOT of coffee as I planned something exciting with friends!
I kept up the tradition of lettering my WOTY in my Bible.
I continued to work out and see some great gains!
I had the opportunity to help plan, create, and host a women’s conference!
Flourish Conference was a success!
The opportunity to speak and share over the weekend was absolutely life-changing.
I knew I wanted to do this work forever. 😍
I re-wrote my series about our tiny house!
Zeke started Kindergarten, and Tasha started Preschool!
We hopefully planned for a 2020 Women’s Conference…
I did my year-end review and was READY to move into a new year! Little did I know…
This year was full of wonderful fresh starts. 🌱
Do you want to choose a Word this year?
Click here to read “How to Choose a Word of the Year.” This blog post is full of tips and tricks to help you get started with this unique habit! You can also read about all of my words (so far!) here.