How to Finish the Year Well.

It’s OCTOBER, and the last quarter of the year! 😱 This time of year might bring stress or overwhelm, especially if you feel like you haven’t done the things you wanted to do this year. So, in this post we’re going to be talking about how to finish the year well!

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A few weeks ago, I asked my followers on Instagram about the start of the last quarter of the year, and how they felt about it! The results were all somewhat similar: “Overwhelmed,” “Stressed,” “I don’t even know…”

I’ve noticed a LOT of clients and friends saying they’re feeling overwhelmed and longing for simplicity in this season.

Here’s how to finish the year well:


    Stop it! 😁 You might be spending a lot of time comparing yourself (and your life) to others. You might not even realize you’re doing it, but then Becky-Home-Ecky posts her homemade sourdough, and you somehow feel like you’re a failure, or, maybe you should bake bread? Comparison breeds guilt, shame, perfectionism, and it STOPS YOU.

    Here’s the truth: You are NOT like any other human being on the planet. You have different hopes, dreams, goals, likes, and dislikes. You have a different personality! You are incredibly unique. 🤩 Comparison stops you from BEING YOU. SO STOP IT!


    What do you ACTUALLY want? For this last quarter of the year… or for your life? If you’ve been comparing your life to everyone else’s, there’s a good chance that you’ve lost sight of your own dreams and goals. Give yourself room to grow, change, and watch your goals change and grow with you. (This is a process that we do inside Group Coaching and The Wonderment Community every quarter!)

  • Concrete:

    After clarifying, it’s really important to concrete THREE things in your life:

    Concrete your Feelings. Did you know that you are in charge of your feelings? I’m not talking about toxic positivity, but I am saying: YOU ARE IN CONTROL. So decide ahead of time what vibes you want to experience, and use those as filters to help you live more intentionally. (Learn more about choosing your feelings here!)

    Concrete your Back-Up Plan. Life RARELY goes as planned… so what are you going to do when life gets messy? What are you going to do when something knocks you off course, when your hormones decide to play mean, or you have a couple really bad days? PLAN AHEAD for your bad days.

    Concrete your “Why.” Your “Why” is the thing that will keep you going when you don’t want to. “Because I want to” isn’t a good enough reason. You need to have a deep-seated reason for why you want to work towards each thing you’re hoping to achieve in life. This keeps you going on the days when you don’t want to!

Want to chat about finishing the year well?

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