How to Get Rid of FOMO. (The Fear of Missing Out.)

Summer is almost over — HOW did that happen?! If you’re feeling like you didn’t get to do all the things you wanted to do this summer… you’re not alone! FOMO is real… and there are ways to combat it. In this post, I’m talking about how to get rid of FOMO. (The Fear of Missing Out.) 🌿

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It’s crazy that summer is coming to an end! If you’re feeling like you didn’t get to do ALL THE THINGS — you’re not alone! You may still frustrated that you didn’t get to do more, feel like you were too lazy, or be sad that you didn’t finish your summer bucket list. These are all symptoms of FOMO (the fear of missing out), and it’s a really big mindset to tackle. How are you supposed to change seasons if you feel like you didn’t squeeze everything out of this one?

How to Get Rid of FOMO. (The Fear of Missing Out.)

Here’s how to get rid of FOMO:

  • Make a LIST:

    Often the first “stage” of FOMO is realizing you missed out! You’re thinking of all the things you didn’t do, all the things you still want to do, and OhMyGosh, there’s only a few weeks left?!?!!! Often, you’re so overwhelmed by all the ideas that you forget to write them down. (But… your brain is NOT a filing cabinet!)

    If you want to kick this feeling to the curb, WRITE A LIST. Next, ADD TIMES to each item. (Will it take 30 minutes? Or 2 days?) Last, COMPARE YOUR LIST to your calendar… Is there space? If there is — awesome! If not… at least you know, and you can get really clear about which ones matter the MOST to you.

  • Do a Review.

    If you’re coming to the end of a season, (even a month, or year) there’s a good chance that you’re going to feel regret. Over 80% of your thoughts are usually negative, so your brain is working overtime to make sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes you’ve made before! Doing a Review can help you get clear on what you can celebrate from the past season, and ALSO what went wrong.

    You can easily do a review on your own! Ask yourself opposing questions, like “What went well?” “What didn’t go well?” and see what you uncover! You can also use the guided journaling prompts here, or join me next month (LIVE!) inside The Wonderment Community! 🤩

  • Get Intentional.

    Often we feel FOMO because we’re dreading what’s next. (Sunday Scaries, anyone?) The truth is, dread is a feeling we ALLOW to build up, and we can be intentional about letting go of it, too. The easiest way to let go of dread is to DECIDE what you want to feel, and look for easy ways to feel that feeling! (Example: You hate Mondays, so you dread them. You decide that you want Monday to feel PEACEFUL. So, you drink a relaxing cup of tea on Monday morning, and you feel peaceful, even if it’s just for a short time!) Your brain is constantly looking for evidence to back up what you believe. If you decide your feeling ahead of time, it will looks for ways to experience (and believe!) those feelings!

    You can also get more INTENTIONAL about what you want the next season/month to hold. Asking yourself questions about what you want to accomplish, getting proactive about what might be stressful, and making sure you’re focused on the things that matter the most. This is something that’s included in the Journaling Review Prompts AND The Wonderment Community!

Friend, I don’t want you to walk away from this summer season feeling frustrated, and like you missed out! There’s no better time to get intentional and learn how to get rid of FOMO. YOU get to decide how your brain reacts to your life, this season, and the thoughts you believe. 🌿

Are you feeling FOMO?

Let’s chat about it in a Wonder Session!
You'll get a ½ hour chat with me to talk about mindset, intentional living, or whatever — no strings attached. 😉

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Desire and Contentment: a two-sided coin.


How to Hold onto Peace this Summer.