What is Slow Living?

Do you feel like you’re always stressed out? Girl — you're NOT alone! I've been in your shoes… and you need to know: It's possible to stop the rush and Slow Down. In this article, you’ll get the answer to the question “What is Slow Living?”… and you’ll learn what it’s NOT. BONUS: Join the free challenge that can help you learn how to live slowly!

When I first started learning about slow living, I was EXHAUSTED. We had two babies (14 months apart!), and I was struggling with my physical and mental health. I was desperate for a change… but I didn't know what to do. My days were filled with a cycle of busy, and stress. And then I heard about Slow Living. 🙌🏻

“I’m SO overwhelmed!” was my go-to explanation when Alex asked how my day went. I was So. Busy. The ironic thing is, that the more I rushed around, the less I seemed to get done!  My days were filled with frustration as the busy and stress cycled around.


Why did so other women seem to have it all together? Why was I running around in circles, only to end every day feeling exhausted?

One morning as I snuggled in for some journaling time, I heard that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit whisper “Slow down.” I had NO clue what that would look like, but the thought of slowing gave me peace. I began my journey towards slow living in the simplest ways — I took a lot of NAPS. 😆 So…

What is Slow Living?

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To put it simply, Slow Living about slowing down your pace of life. It's about stepping away from the stress, the hustle, and the busy… and creating space for what you want (and need!) to have in your life. I know… sounds great, right? But the real question is… can you really go from “Stressed Out” to “Living Slow” ? Absolutely!

You can live a slower, more intentional pace of life.


Here are some important things you should know about Slow Living:

  • Slow Living is FLEXIBLE.

    It will look different for every single person! The best way to find your own version of Slow Living is to take a look what’s keeping you stressed! You might find yourself making a major life-change, like relocated or switching jobs. Or you might just realize that you need to pare down your obligations. (I started with napping, remember?)

  • Slow Living is CALM.

    It’s about enjoying the simple life, and discovering what brings you a sense of calm and rest! You could completely change the way you live — by learning how to make your own bread, or moving to a homestead. Or, you could STOP over-committing and get really intentional about the things you allow in your life. (I stopped over-committing!)

  • Slow Living is INTENTIONAL.

    It’s about stopping the busy so you can figure out what you need in order to live a good life! You don’t have to completely up-end your life in order to live slowly! You could just spend some time journaling about the KIND of lifestyle you want — and then create a plan to actually get there. (I started with naps, but intentional living quickly became a huge part of my life!)


And here’s what Slow Living ISN’T:

  • Slow Living doesn’t have to be SLOW!

    Umm… WHAT?! What I mean is:You don’t need to empty your life of everything you love in order to practice slow living! You won’t get a badge for being the “Most Bored.” 😜 You can have a full life — and still practice slow living. (I stay very busy! — I’m a mom, a wife, AND I have a company to run!)

  • Slow Living isn’t “OLD-FASHIONED.”

    You don’t have to enjoy baking bread or sewing to live slowly! It’s OKAY if you enjoy the modern things of life. Remember; How you practice Slow Living is completely up to you. You can enjoy modern life — and still live slowly. (I’m a tech-nerd, and Netflix is my favorite! 😆)

Are you wondering if there’s a happy-ending to my story? (Or, maybe you don’t care… but I’ll tell you anyway. 😆 ) After a few weeks of practicing Slow Living, I began to feel like my cup was full instead of empty. 🙌🏻 I began to see so many areas of my life that needed a lot of intentional evaluation. I de-cluttered, stopped over-committing, and dealt with my people-pleasing tendencies. Slow living brought me freedom from the stress I had let take over my life.


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How to Change your Mindset.