5 Things you absolutely MUST HAVE to Live Intentionally!

Do you want to live intentionally? I mean; it sounds GREAT, doesn’t it? Living a purposeful, intentional life. But… HOW? If you get discouraged or sidetracked from lifestyle you want, you might be missing a piece (or a few!) from your intentional living “puzzle”. Keep reading to learn about the 5 things you absolutely MUST HAVE to live intentionally!

Have you ever decided that you wanted to make a change in your life… and a few weeks (or days!) later, you realize that you’ve gone back to the SAME old habits? Like that time I tried to exercise Every. Single. Day., and then felt like a total failure when I realized that I couldn’t keep up with that schedule as a busy mom, wife, and entrepreneur.

If you’ve ever felt like a failure in your life, or wondered why you can’t seem to get it all together… there’s a good chance you’re missing one of these crucial pieces in your life. Do you just want to live a purposeful life?

Here are 5 Things you absolutely MUST HAVE to Live Intentionally:


    You need to have a CLEAR vision for your future! This is not about specific goals, but about what KIND of life you want to live. What do you want it to feel like? What do you want to Experience? What kind of VIBES do you want to have?

    If you get crystal-clear on the kind of life you want, your goals will fit into your lifestyle better, and you’ll have more flexibility and balance as you chase after them. Grab a vision-casting journal here!


    Goal Setting is like the secret sauce that takes your big-picture vision and puts it in your everyday life. You need to create goals and turn them into daily, actionable steps! Think of goal-setting like those sand-art designs: you’re gradually pouring simple, daily actions in — until you create the lifestyle you desire.

    Goal-setting is usually taught to specific people, like business-owners, or the fitness industry. And that’s fine; but that kind of goal-setting rarely looks at your WHOLE life. Goal Setting for intentional living looks at the whole picture before getting specific!


    I’m a FIRM believer in the power of a notebook and a pen. If you’re not a writer, don’t scroll away… I’ve got statistics to prove just how powerful journaling is! Let me show you:

    Did you know that only 8% of people actually accomplish their goals? BUT: If you write down your goals, your chances of accomplishing them increases to 42%!!! That’s a massive increase for a few minutes of writing.


    Your mindset is CRUCIAL. Your vision & goal-setting are like the lock of intentional living… but your mindset is the key. Your mindset is what keeps you going when the going gets tough, and learning how your brain works can completely change your life.

    Take the Mindset 101 Workshop to learn HOW your brain works, and you’ll also get some free tools to keep in your back pocket when you're struggling!


    Remember the statistics I shared earlier? (see: A JOURNAL/NOTEBOOK 👆🏻) There’s actually more to the story: Statistics show that if you write down your goals, check in with them consistently, AND share them with others… you can increase the likelihood of accomplishing your goals to 95%!!! 😱

    This is why I teach goal-setting inside The Wonderment Community! Having a community of ladies to support and encourage you is CRUCIAL to living an intentional life. (and your community can help you mindset, too! 🙌🏻 )


You can Live Intentionally!

You aren’t stuck here. Don’t let your past “failures” or future fears stop you from living intentionally TODAY.


Are you ready to live your best life?

Join me for a Wonder Session!



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