How to Start Dreaming Big for the New Year

It’s that time of year again… time to start dreaming big for the new year! Are you excited to get your hopes up? (Or… maybe you’re feeling scared about dreaming big?) Either way you slice it… the new year is on it’s way! Keep reading for some tips & tricks on How to Start Dreaming Big for the New Year!

Have you ever set New Year’s Resolutions? It’s the perfect time: It’s a great time for a new start. We get another 365 days, fresh — with no mistakes in them. (Did you catch that “Anne of Green Gables” reference? 😆)


But… have you ever actually accomplished or stuck with your goals? Or will they get shoved to the side after a few weeks — just like last year? 😩 It’s REALLY EASY to write stuff like, “I want to lose weight!”, or “I’m starting my own business!” Statistically, only 8% of people actually accomplish their goals.

I’ve learned (the hard way!) that just “setting goals” or writing down your “resolutions” doesn’t work. There are some really important steps before Goal-Setting that can help you to to see those goals through… and the one of the first steps is DREAMING BIG. So: before you ever decide how much weight you want to lose, or list all the awesome things you want to accomplish…


That’s right: Before you get really specific, you need to pull back on the scope of your life and look at the big picture. (Ever hear the saying “Can’t see the forest for the trees?) If you’re too focused on the the details or specifics of what you want to do, you’re not going to know if those goals stay in line with your lifestyle… you’ll probably join the 80% of people who quit their resolutions by the second week of February.

Why is Dreaming Big so Important?

Before I lead clients through goal-setting, we always start with HOW they want to live, before they ever get specific. Here’s what can happen if you skip the “dreaming big” part of goal setting:

  • You might set goals that don’t mesh with your lifestyle.

    Think about it: Have you ever set a goal and ended up failing because you couldn't keep up? It’s not your fault! When you don’t check your lifestyle, you’re probably going to create goals that don’t fit with your life. Let’s say you want to get up early in the morning… but you’re not factoring in the fact that you’re a night owl, or your baby isn’t sleeping through the night!

  • You could set goals that are based on someone else’s life.

    This is when you set a goal because Sally-So-And-So is doing it. She looks gorgeous, and goes to the gym every day… so, obviously, that’s a great goal, right?! When you set goals based on what someone else does, you’re setting the bar at “fail!” If/when you can’t keep up at with their level, you’re going to get discouraged (and probably stop!). You have to build up to it!

When I starting dreaming big, I never dreamed it would lead me to hosting & speaking at a women’s conference!

When I starting dreaming big, I never dreamed it would lead me to hosting & speaking at a women’s conference!

Here’s How to Start Dreaming Big for the New Year:

Because… HOW? How in the heck do you figure out what kind of life you want to live? I’ve got news for you: It’s actually really easy! Grab a journal, or open a note on your phone and answer these simple questions:

  • What kind of life do you want?

  • What kind of vibes do you want?

  • What would you like to experience?

Here’s why these questions are so powerful:

Let’s say you want to get fit. Sounds great, right? But HOW? Do you want fitness to be fun? Do you want it to feel peaceful? Do you want to plow through, and just GET to your goal weight?

Or maybe you want to de-clutter your house. Again… HOW? Are you looking for a whole new, Mari Kondo lifestyle? Do you just want a little less clutter and a little more order?


Take the time to dream big! It’s worth every second. 😉 If you don’t, you’re a lot more likely to experience the crash-and-burn that comes when your new goals don’t mesh with your lifestyle. You might find out that you can’t keep up with the pace you’ve set. Or, that you hate the new schedule you’ve come up with, and you feel like a failure because you’re not being consistent. (Click here to learn how to NOT set yourself up for failure!)

Dreaming Big is about deciding what kind of life you want. When you start from the VIBES and lifestyle you want, goal-setting comes easily! You’re less likely to create a goal around something that doesn’t work for you.

If you have big goals and dreams for your life… Start by choosing the lifestyle you want. Get crystal-clear on what you want to experience. How you want to feel. What you want your days to feel like. The kind of person you want to be. Start there… and the rest will flow more easily.

Do you want more help with dreaming big?

I’ve created a guided journal filled with more prompts to help you dream bigger, get clarity, and get excited for the new year! I think you’ll love it.


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