My Bullet Journal Spread - August 2021

It’s time to share my newest bullet journal spread! 😍 (Actually, I’m a bit late getting this blog post up… oops! 😜)

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Each month I set aside time to get creative and design a new layout for my bullet journal. (Bullet Journaling is a planning method that works great for my creative, easily-distracted brain! 😆) I don’t usually leave lots of time for personal creativity (usually I’m creating content for Insta, blogging, or podcasting), so this is a really fun creative outlet for me.


At the beginning of this year, I decided to try a new layout, called a “Dutch Door” spread. The “dutch door” is an extra page in the center, and it’s usually cut or folded to a half-page. I gave the center page a “grassy” trim to match the design. (I use the back of the center page to write my goals for the new month.)

*I used my favorite Arteza Watercolor Pencils to add the color.


These past few months, I’ve really been honing in on my goal-setting process. I want to make sure that I’m being intentional about ALL the things that matter most to me. — Not just my business! (Read about August’s Intentions and Goals here!)


All in all — I’m still loving bullet journaling and all the freedom this planning method gives me! And… I’m really proud of how August’s layout turned out… I really pushed myself creatively this month, and it paid off!



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How I Live Intentionally — My August 2021 Goals