An Easy Mindset Shift to Simplify your Life.
Have you ever found yourself dreading something, so you just keep putting it off? You might find yourself putting it off over and over, ignoring it (or maybe pretending it doesn’t exist!), but that task just keeps feeling more overwhelming. Keep reading to learn an Easy Mindset Shift to Simplify your Life!
“UGH…” I thought as I walked into the kitchen and saw the HUGE pile of dishes sitting beside the sink. “There's SO MUCH work to do.” After a busy week, it was cleaning day, and I was NOT excited.
I inwardly groaned about it for awhile. And, to be honest, I put it off for awhile, too. (Thanks, Instagram! 😂)
If you’re anything like me, building up dread for chores or tasks only makes everything feel harder. Then, if you keep ignoring it, you can get stuck mindset loops that sound something like this:
“It's gonna be SO HARD!”
“It's going to take FOREVER!” or,
“This is such a waste of time…”)
But what if you could catch that negative mindset loop and shift it with one simple question:
“What if this was easy?”
Seriously; sometimes the simplest of questions can completely shift your day. (and your life!) This is such an easy mindset shift to simplify your life!
What if it only took 15 minutes to finish that task, and that gave you time to do the things you REALLY want to do?
What if you stopped making everything feel like such a big deal, and let it be easy… so you can just enjoy your life?
Every time I try this mindset shift, I realize that the chore or task I was dreading wasn’t actually that bad. Those dishes only took me 15 or 20 minutes, and I got to spend the rest of the morning doing what I love most! (Being creative!)
The next time you’re feeling stuck, I hope you’ll give this simple mindset shift a try, and remind yourself to…
Let it be EASY.
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