How to Enjoy the HECK out of this Summer!

Summer can either feel like a breath of fresh air, OR, like a lot of stressful changes. But, more than anything, I want you to enjoy the abundance that summer brings — so if you feel like you’re on the struggle-bus, keep reading! In this post, I’m sharing a few tips to help you enjoy the HECK out of this summer!

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Here’s how to Enjoy the HECK out of this Summer:

  • Know Your Struggle-Bus:

    Maybe it’s BUSY-NESS! Life changes a lot during summer-time… the kids are home from school, friends want to hang out more often, vacations, and (if you’re a people-pleaser), you might feel ripped in a million different directions as you try to take everyone happy.

    Maybe it’s a lack of ROUTINES! All the changes that summer brings can stop our routines in their tracks — and that can really mess with your daily life. If you’re someone who feels comfortable in routine, or who has worked really hard to build habits, watching it all fly out the window can be difficult.

    Maybe it’s too much FREEDOM! If you’re someone like me, you LOVE the freedom that summer brings! It’s fun, there’s all kinds of stuff to do… who needs to do laundry? The freedom of summer can cause everything you’ve been working toward to fall apart, because… well, you’re enjoying the freedom a little too much. 😬

  • Get Clear on your Priorities!

    I know, I know… I talk about Priorities SO much. But they are so insanely helpful! Now that you understand your “struggle-bus,” having clear priorities can act like a filter to help you make better decisions. Should you REALLY go to that pool party, or will it take you away from the priority of housework?

    The next time you’re asked to do something, feel overwhelmed by the lack of routine, or you want to drop everything to go hang out with a friend, ask yourself, “How can I best prioritize what matters most right now?”

  • Decide AHEAD OF TIME who you want to be.

    You get to choose whether or not you believe that stories you’re telling about yourself. You know the ones… “I’m just too much of a Hot Mess.” “Well, nobody else cares about the house this summer, so why should I?” or, “I don’t have time for anything I want, because I’m a people-pleaser, and that’s just how I am.” Decide TODAY if you’re going to allow those stories to continue — or if you’re going to live a more aligned life, full of what really matters most.

    You’re going to have to pump the brakes on your Struggle-Bus! This is where the rubber meets the road (Hahaha I couldn’t resist. 😁) The hardest part of ALL of this mindset work is actually stopping yourself when you feel your struggle bus taking over! So, if you feel like people-pleasing is back in the driver’s seat, you need to learn how to take a deep breath, think about your priorities, and get back in the Driver’s Seat. Ask yourself: “Is this going to take me away from the things that matter the most?”

Friend, I want you to have an ABUNDANT summer! When I think about summer, I think about my Pop-pop’s garden, which was always teeming with so many veggies that he gave them away to everyone. That’s what summer should feel like, right? Abundant time to be with the people we love, to be present, and enjoy every second! Only YOU get to decide what abundance looks like for you — and how you want to enjoy it!

What struggle-bus are you on?

Is it one of the three that I mentioned… or do you have an entirely different struggle-bus? Tell me in the comments below!

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