Stop trying to “Catch Up.”

Do you ever feel like you’re always trying to “catch up”? This is a terrible mindset to get stuck in, because you’re actually chasing an impossible goal! Don't believe me? Keep reading this post to find out what I mean when I say “Stop trying to Catch Up.”

If there's one phrase I've heard women say over and over again, it's “If I could just get caught up…” (Myself included!)

“If I could just get caught up on my dishes, I wouldn't feel so overwhelmed…”

“If I could just catch up with the laundry, life would be so much better…”

There are two HUGE issues with this thought pattern:

  • By saying you need to “catch up,” you're under the impression that there is an “end point” to these tasks… but you’re chasing an impossible goal! You can't catch up to something that never stops. People keep wearing clothes, and you'll always make more dishes. Clutter will find it's way into your house. It's a circular thought pattern. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • This circular thought pattern makes you feel like you're always “behind.” And, when you can’t “catch up,” (which you can't), you get even more frustrated when you see a dirty dish, or another pair of underwear. This kicks off feelings of shame or blame… which is(you guessed it…) another CYCLE.

So… what can you do about it? (Because… the dishes are still piling up!)

Shift your mindset from “Catch Up” to “KEEP UP.”

When the goal is to “KEEP UP,” it takes the guilt, frustration, and blame OFF. You’re no longer feeling behind, because “behind” doesn’t exist! It’s just a normal part of the ebb and flow of life. 🤷🏻‍♀️ See? No big deal!

This “Keep Up” mindset shift also takes the rush off. There's no need to get it done as fast as possible… you're not stress-cleaning, because you’re no longer feeling like a failure for being “behind.”

This simple mindset shift has made such a huge difference in how I take care of our home. It’s no longer rushed or hurried. I’m not feeling stressed, or frustrated with myself for “getting behind.” I don't look at my laundry pile and feel like a shame or like a failure.

If you're ready for more peace in your life…
Try saying “KEEP UP,” instead of “Catch Up.”

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